Sunday, August 3, 2014

Litter Box Issues

August 3, 2014

I get several calls each month about cats peeing around the house. They do this for many reasons, but these are the top three to consider.

  1. Medical condition – If your cat is peeing out of the box you should immediately make an appointment with your veterinarian. Any change in your cat’s behavior can indicate a medical problem. Inappropriate urinating can indicate a urinary tract infection, cystitis, crystals in the bladder, or other urinary tract diseases. Cats who feel pain when they urinate will avoid the box, either because they associate it with pain, or they are trying to show you that they hurt.
  1. Marking – Some cats will mark or spray outside of the litter box. They may be communicating with other cats (inside or outside) about their territory, or they may be stressed. Cats can mark by squatting and urinating on a flat surface or by backing up to a vertical surface and spraying. This can also indicate a medical issue. Stress will cause cats to put their scent around, so that they feel safer.
  1. Litter box aversion – Sometimes a cat has an issue with the box itself. He may not like the location, the size (it could be too small), it’s not clean enough, or the type of litter that’s used.  Most cats prefer a natural soft litter that is not scented. It’s also important to find a litter that is dust free as litter dust can cause allergies and sinus issues in cats. Most cats prefer an open box so they can see what’s going on around them, but some like a little box with a lid or cover.
There are other reasons why kitties urinate inappropriately such as aggression or behavior problems with other animals in the household. Some are reacting to noises or negative energies in the space. Cats even can take on and mirror our own anxiety and stress through this behavior.

I hope that you won’t ever have this issue in your household, but if you do, please take your cat to the vet and ask that they look for all possible causes, not just infection. If your cat gets a clean bill of health, look at the other causes above and if you still can’t figure it out, give me a call.